Page 43 - Progress Report
P. 43

Many education systems worldwide attach            Discussions with stakeholders reflect that mentoring
            importance to mentorship for teachers transitioning   support in Hong Kong could be further strengthened
            into new career stages. This is especially important   and facilitated.  Mentoring should also be arranged
            for fresh graduates joining the field, since the first   for teachers who have assumed new leadership

            few years of teaching are generally considered     roles, to help them master the skill sets for their
            most critical to their long-term professional      new responsibilities.  COTAP proposes, therefore,
            growth.  In countries such as Singapore and the UK,   to develop a comprehensive mentorship scheme,

            mentorship for novice teachers embraces relevant   T-craft , to provide practitioners transitioning into
            and comprehensive learning experience, with one    new career stages (including student and novice
            to two years of coaching from expert senior teachers   teachers, middle leaders and newly-appointed
            who serve as mentors.                              principals)  with on-site  support  for learning  their

            In Hong Kong, novice teachers are provided with
            school-based mentoring support in their first year   Under  T-craft , a central pool of quality mentors
            of experience under the Teacher Induction Scheme,   could be formed from experienced high-performing

            which offers them a comprehensive environment      teachers and school leaders, who could be deployed
            conducive to their developing professionalism.  The   to offer support services, counselling and practical
            Induction Tool Kit introduced by the then ACTEQ    advice to schools on the implementation of school-
            in 2008 provides the framework for systematising   based induction and mentoring, train the trainers,
            the mentoring processes under the school-based     and establish regional networks for interactive

            Teacher Induction Scheme.  Mentors attend          exchange and experience sharing.  Stakeholders are
            a  Mentorship Training Programme for Teachers      of the view that accomplished teachers honoured
            offered by the EDB, which  helps  prepare          with the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching

            experienced teachers to assume the role of mentors   Excellence (CEATE) could be a valuable resource
            for novice teachers in a school-based context.  New   for supporting this proposed mentorship scheme.
            school leaders also receive mentoring support      Distinguished experienced principals would also be
            and, under the Structured Support Programme,       invited to support the scheme.
            newly-appointed principals can, through meetings,

            networking and sharing of practical experience,
            seek  advice  from  their  mentors,  who  are  mostly
            experienced principals.

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