Page 45 - Progress Report
P. 45
Fostering a collaborative culture is an effective COTAP is of the view that PLCs, as a powerful
strategy for enhancing teachers’ professional strategy for staff development and school
knowledge, improving student learning, improvement, should be further developed and
developing school leadership and sustaining school reinforced within and across schools, networks and
improvement. Through professional learning regions. COTAP, thus, proposes to establish the
communities (PLCs) in the education field, teachers T-share scheme, which will proactively promote
and school leaders could learn and benefit from sharing of insights from research, innovations in
the sharing of experience and expertise, and ample pedagogy and school leadership, and facilitate
opportunities for collaboration. PLCs are, therefore, interactive exchange and networking within
widely advocated in many countries. the teaching profession for enhanced school
effectiveness and teacher quality. The aim is
PLCs have also flourished in Hong Kong’s school to inculcate a strong collaborative culture that
sector. Keeping pace with the curriculum reforms positively supports a professional learning
and pedagogical innovations, collaborative environment for the teaching profession, which will
lesson preparation, peer lesson observation and ultimately enhance the quality and consistency of
experience sharing are encouraged in schools, instructional practice, support school development
cultivating a learning culture among teachers. and, most importantly, benefit student learning.
There are also joint school functions, staff
development days, teacher support networks and
quality circles at district or regional level to facilitate
exchange across schools on themes of shared
interest. Through professional learning, sharing
and exchange, our teachers and school leaders
strive for excellence.