Page 47 - Progress Report
P. 47

COTAP is of the view that an enhanced professional   Scholarship schemes will be considered under
            status and respect for the teaching profession in   T-applause.  COTAP could build on the success
            society would help attract and retain talent in the   of current Scholarship for Prospective English
            profession.  This is evident from the developments   Teachers, and explore similar schemes for deserving

            in some overseas countries, notably in Finland.    teachers of other specialisms.  Schemes to support
                                                               the pursuit of higher qualifications could also be
            In Hong Kong, efforts have been made over the      considered.

            years to raise public awareness of the importance
            of the teaching profession.  Hong Kong celebrates   Inter-school  and  territory-wide  events  or
            Teachers’ Day on 10 September each year, when      competitions could be organised to commend and
            nominated teachers receive commendations in        propagate success stories in caring and nurturing
            recognition of their commitment and excellence in   student growth and development, with wider use of

            teaching.  To further promote a culture of excellence   the social media to maximise publicity.
            and collaboration, teachers participate in a highly
            prestigious award scheme, CEATE, which honours     Recognition of excellence in school leadership will

            accomplishments in different key areas.  There are   also be considered under T-applause, and COTAP
            now over 600 teachers honoured with these awards,   will further explore stakeholders’ suggestions of
            and the CEATE Teachers Association has been set    certificates of excellence and study grants for
            up to propagate and share good teaching practices.     high-performing school leaders.

            Taking into account stakeholders’ views, and to    COTAP would also review overseas practice
            further  reinforce  efforts  in this  respect,  COTAP   and explore the feasibility of a number of other
            proposes to establish  T-applause, which will      interesting and  more complex suggestions,

            embrace a series of promotional and contribution   including   post-graduate    teacher   training
            schemes  to  celebrate  achievements  of  high-    programmes  at master’s degree level, campaigns
            performing practitioners.                          to promote excellence in research and evaluation
                                                               studies, and an expert track for teachers.

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