Page 18 - Progress Report
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are, respectively, the Sub-committee on Initial In catalysing a paradigm shift in the school sector,
Teacher Education, Sub-committee on Teachers’ COTAP sees schools under SBM as the best loci of
Professional Development and Sub-committee on change and seeks to facilitate their transformation
School Leadership. Annexes II and III set out their into dynamic learning organisations. Schools would
Terms of Reference and membership. be supported in developing a path to excellence,
leveraging on their respective characteristics
Having discussed in depth with key stakeholders, and strengths, fostering a reflective culture,
made reference to best practices in other high- promoting evidence-based practice at individual
performing education systems, and carefully and organisational levels, and enhancing school
deliberated with Committee and Sub-committee accountability and effectiveness. All of these
members, COTAP has formulated its vision to build have, ultimately, the same objective of striving for
“A Learning Profession of Vibrancy, A Teaching continuous improvement in students’ achievement
Profession of Excellence” in Hong Kong. Its mission and whole-person development.
is, thus, “To foster a vibrant teaching profession of
excellence for the benefit of student learning and Another area of paradigm shift which COTAP will
growth through formulating strategies to enhance promote, is the use of evidence and data at system,
teacher preparation, promote and support CPD, organisational and individual levels. COTAP will
and strengthen school leadership”. encourage organic feedback loops to be instituted,
drawing from educational research and evaluation
COTAP is convinced that leveraging on the strength studies to inform the formulation and improvement
of our SBM system, school leadership is the essential of policies and strategies that are conducive to the
driver for professional development. In articulating development of the teaching profession and will
its vision and mission, COTAP aims at nurturing a benefit student learning and growth.
quality teaching profession comprising teachers
and school leaders who, in pursuit of continuous Efforts will be made to build a robust learning
improvement and excellence, are focused on community within the teaching profession by
student learning and growth, adroit in reflective and providing a platform for collaboration and
evidence-based practice, and supportive of school professional exchange. Collaboration among the
accountability and effectiveness. It proposes to teaching profession, school sector, TEIs, parents’
bring about new impetus through the strategies associations and EDB would be encouraged in order
of catalysing a paradigm shift in the school sector; to promote evidence-based reflective practice at all
promoting use of evidence and data at system, levels.
school and individual levels; and building a learning
community and facilitating collaboration. Through
concerted efforts, COTAP aspires to scale new
heights in school effectiveness, teacher quality and
student performance.