Page 14 - Progress Report
P. 14



                                                               a positive



                                                               In the past decades, education in Hong Kong
                                                               underwent remarkable, positive transformation

                                                               through a series of reforms, which included
                                                               policies and strategies for the professional
                                                               development of teachers and principals.  These
                                                               reforms are considered to have been instrumental

                                                               in promoting students’ achievement and whole-
                                                               person development and Hong Kong students
                                                               have performed well in various international
                                                               assessments, such as Programme for International

                                                               Student Assessment (PISA), Trends in International
                                                               Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and
                                                               Progress in International Reading Literacy Study

                                                               Teachers’ professional development was previously
                                                               the responsibility of the then ACTEQ.  In 2003,
                                                               ACTEQ  drew  up  a  comprehensive  Teacher

                                                               Competencies Framework (TCF) as a useful guide
                                                               and reference, for both individual teachers and
                                                               schools, for formulating professional development
                                                               plans relevant to their respective needs.  ACTEQ

                                                               also recommended to the teaching profession
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