Page 15 - Progress Report
P. 15

a soft target of 150 CPD hours in each three-year   Hong Kong is often highly commended by overseas
            cycle, which has since been put into practice and   education experts for its school-based approach in
            supported by the profession.                       promoting the professional development of the
                                                               teaching profession.  SBM has been implemented
            Separately, on school leadership, having articulated   in the school sector since 1999, whereby schools

            the underpinnings of CPD for principals, the       are given autonomy and entrusted with the
            Education  Bureau  (EDB) prescribed  in  2002  a   responsibility  for student-centred  and quality-
            structure of six core areas of leadership required   focused curriculum design and delivery, resources

            of the principals (including strategic direction   management,     transparent  and   accountable
            and policy environment; learning, teaching and     school governance and day-to-day administration.
            curriculum; teacher professional growth and        Through SBM, schools exercise this greater
            development;  staff and resources  management;     autonomy  and  responsibility,  taking  into  account
            quality assurance and accountability; and external   their own strengths and characteristics.  They have

            communication  and  connection  to  the  outside   more space to create an enabling environment
            world).  These elements have since guided the      conducive to continuous school improvement,
            overarching   professional  development   and      and put in place a rigorous mechanism for school

            leadership programmes for aspiring, newly-         self-evaluation of the quality of their learning and
            appointed and serving principals.  The Government   teaching, so that student learning and growth will
            received advice from the then Steering Committee   benefit.  School-based decisions and leadership
            on Principals’  Professional Development  (SCPPD)   have, thus, become more important and school
            on the certification of aspiring principals and the   leaders, including principals, vice-principals, middle

            professional development of newly-appointed and    leaders,  school  managers  and  school  supervisors
            serving principals.   Annex I gives an overview of   have to work in close collaboration with one another
            these policies.                                    in driving school improvement and enhancing

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