Page 68 - Progress Report
P. 68

B. Sub-committee on Initial Teacher Education (SCITE)

             Position           Name                                                 Category

             Convenor           Mr YEUNG Sai-man                                     -

             Members            Mr CHEUNG Yung-pong, MH                              Principal (Primary)

                                Mr LAM Yat-fung, James                               Principal (Secondary)

                                Ms WU Siu-ling                                       Principal (Special)

                                Dr WONG May-may, MH, JP                              SSB Representative

                                Prof Winnie CHENG                                    Academic

                                Prof LAM Hon-ming                                    Academic

                                Ms CHAN Man-kuen, Kirindi                            Lay Member

                                Prof LIANG Hin-suen , JP                             Lay Member

                                                                                     University Grants
                                Mr LUI Tim-leung, Tim, BBS, JP                       Committee

                                Dr TSUI Luen-on, Gordon, JP                          Parent Representative

             Co-opted           Mr TAI Hay-lap, BBS, JP                              Principal (Secondary)

             Ex-officio         Principal Assistant Secretary                        EDB Representative
             Members            (Professional Development and Training)

                                Principal Education Officer                          EDB Representative
                                (Curriculum Development)

             Secretary          Chief Professional Development Officer               EDB Representative
                                (School Leadership and Professional Development)

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