Page 7 - Progress Report
P. 7

Setting off on a journey

 to excellence…

            but also with positive attitudes and values, as well   promote use of evidence and data at system,
            as global perspectives and national identity.  We   school and individual levels; and build a learning
            are convinced that the teaching force and school   community and facilitate collaboration, so as

            leadership play pivotal roles  in ensuring a high-  to achieve new  heights in  school effectiveness,
            quality education system, and that the quality of our   teacher quality and student performance.  Our main
            teaching profession, including school leaders, is of   targets are to have school leadership and reflective
            paramount importance for students’ achievement     culture strengthened, teacher quality enhanced
            and whole-person development.                      and a supportive environment put in place for

                                                               professional development.  During the first phase
            Building on the firm foundation  laid down by      of our work, we have drawn up a number of areas
            ACTEQ in the past, and drawing upon best practices   of focus under broad strategies and these will be

            overseas, we have reviewed both the strengths and   further developed rigorously for implementation.
            issues of concern in the professional development   This will be an exciting and challenging journey, an
            of our teaching force and identified priority areas for   Odyssey to Excellence.
            continuous improvement.  We have, since, drawn
            up our vision, mission, objectives and strategies to   This Report, being the First Report on COTAP’s

            take these forward.                                work, presents our thoughts, recommendations and
                                                               commitments.  We firmly believe that realisation
            COTAP’s vision is to foster a robust teaching      of our vision requires the sustained joint efforts

            profession of excellence in Hong Kong, which in our   and support of all stakeholders.  We would deeply
            view should also be a vibrant learning profession.     appreciate your views and insights on this Report
            Through  shared  vision,  mission,  objectives  and   and cordially invite you to join hands with us on this
            strategies, we aim to build a quality teaching     voyage for a Learning Profession of Vibrancy, and a
            profession comprising teachers and school leaders   Teaching Profession of Excellence.

            who, in pursuit of continuous improvement and
            excellence, are focused on student learning and
            growth, adroit in reflective and evidence-based

            practice,  and  supportive  of  school  accountability
            and effectiveness.  As broad strategies, we would                                    Carrie WILLIS
            catalyse a paradigm shift in the school sector;                                 Chairman, COTAP         5
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