Page 5 - Progress Report
P. 5
Setting off on a journey to excellence… 4
Executive summary 6
1. Undergoing a positive transformation… 12
2. Forming shared views… 20
3. Realising T-excel@hk… 28
(i) T-standard + Unified set of standards for the teaching profession 32
(ii) T-dataset PD Dataset built on territory-wide system survey to 34
inform policies and strategies
(iii) T-train ß New types and modes of training to be explored to 36
meet professional development needs
(iv) T-surf 24/7 One-stop portal for sharing of information 38
and resources, and for self-paced professional
development anytime, anywhere
(v) T-craft 3 Three-tier mentorship scheme to support 40
practitioners transitioning into new career stages
(vi) T-share Reinforcement of professional learning communities 42
for networking, sharing, interactive exchange and
(vii) T-applause Promotional and contribution schemes to celebrate 44
achievements of high-performing practitioners
(viii) T-bridge Bridging the theory-practice gap with feasibility 46
studies on improvement of teacher preparation
4. Embracing the challenges ahead… 50
Acknowledging our supportive partners… 54
Engaging stakeholders… 55
Annex I: An overview of policies relating to professional development of 56
teachers and principals in Hong Kong
Annex II: Terms of Reference of COTAP and Sub-committees under COTAP 58
Annex III: Membership of COTAP and Sub-committees under COTAP 64
Annex IV: Membership of Special Meetings on Review of TCF 69