Page 8 - Professional Standards for Principals of Hong Kong
P. 8
Competent Distinguished
Principals are people of high moral Principals exemplify educational values Principals advocate educational values
and professional integrity. They ensure
character who are committed to ethical behaviour among staff and
educational values and uphold the students and serve as their role models. and professional integrity characterised
professional code of conduct . They by a deep sense of ethics. Their
aspire to serve for the noble cause of The people they lead are inspired by their dedication to education earns the respect
commitment to education.
education. of the community towards the teaching
Principals raise teachers’ awareness of Principals align school policies and
educational values in relation to school practices with educational values. They Principals create a school community in
policies and practices. They guide attend to the moral dimension in all school which ethical behaviour and values are
teachers in realising these values in their endeavours and successfully foster and honoured and celebrated among
daily practices and cultivate in students sustain a school culture that embodies stakeholders. They work together with the
positive values and attitudes . In face of ethical understanding and values. They professional community to promote and
ethical challenges, they make fair and confront unethical behaviour and have safeguard the values, and take possible
professional decisions by drawing upon professional courage to address ethical proactive measures in face of ethical
moral principles and demonstrating challenges, collaborating closely with staff challenges.
personal integrity. to properly handle issues arising from Principals are strong advocates for the
Principals give due emphasis to personal these challenges. whole-person development of teachers
and professional growth. Recognising Principals enhance teachers’ capacity in and students. Conscious of different
teachers’ needs at different stages of facilitating students’ holistic and balanced developmental needs in changing times,
development, they care for their development. They foster whole-person they sustain a contemporary and
well-being, work-life balance education effectively, integrating it into the coherent system of moral education
professional development. Aware of the school policies and curriculum. Principals curriculum, social support and life
needs of students at different stages of also embrace student diversity and equity planning education which builds in
development, they implement in education. They successfully establish students moral qualities that can stand life
whole-school approach to a supportive school community in which challenges. They maximise opportunities
education for students’ character forma- teachers and students are able to
tion and pastoral care for students’ arising from student diversity and
all-around growth. They are responsive to experience the joy of whole-person pluralistic culture to bring about positive
student diversity and equity in education enrichment. impact in school and in the community.
and enable students’ fair access to
learning opportunities, emotional and
social support.
Ethical Enablers of All-round Growth and Balanced Advancement