Page 12 - Professional Standards for Teachers of Hong Kong
P. 12
Threshold Distinguished
Teachers are mindful of the holistic well-being of self Teachers adopt an all-round approach to their Teachers are recognized as inspiring role-models of
own personal development which is inextricably
and maintain positive self-concept and outlook on life. all-round personal growth. They give practical advice
They have a passion for education. They foster strong linked to professional growth. As responsible and support colleagues on their path of personal
work ethics, manage themselves well and are educators, they endeavour to become people of development.
conscious of their professional image in speech and in respectable moral character. Being reflective practitioners, teachers effectively
manner. Through self-reflection, teachers identify combine theory and practice. They work with
Teachers adopt a reflective approach to evaluate their learning goals and devise personal plans to
colleagues to identify professional development needs
own practice and determine what works best for proactive manner. They engage themselves in
of the school and enlist specialist support in a
student learning. They are self-directed in enhancing actualise professional aspirations. They effective professional collaboration and mentoring
professionalism through different modes of learning. participate in communities of practice , keeping which maximises the collective professional capacity,
They actively participate in school professional abreast of educational trends to enhance fostering a reflective and learning school culture that
development activities and readily collaborate with readiness for embracing future changes. They leads to the sustainable development
colleagues and external professionals. They reflect are ready to provide mentoring support for transformation of the school. and
on their professional learning to bring about student teachers, contributing to the Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and
favourable educational outcomes. maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour within
Teachers embrace and realise the core professional enhancement of teachers’ professionalism. They and outside school. They have the courage to hold
values . They observe the school guidelines on recognise the value of positive interpersonal themselves and colleagues accountable to a high
ethical practices. They understand their duties and relationships and build rapport with stakeholders level of personal and professional ethics that take into
obligations and act in compliance with the Code for the as a foundation for their educational endeavours. account the ethical expectations of the stakeholders
and the society.
Education Profession of Hong Kong . They Teachers are committed to realising the school
understand the principles of the Basic Law and Teachers contribute to reviewing the implementation
respect the rule of law as a core value of Hong Kong. vision and mission in every aspect of their work. procedures and practices
of school vision and mission, refining school policies,
Teachers regard it a responsibility to realise the school They have constructive views about educational development. Working with colleagues on the
vision and mission in collaboration with colleagues to policies and engage themselves in professional Planning-Implementation-Evaluation
achieve continuous school development. They deliver networks to realize equity and excellence in school development, they initiate and carry through
their duties in accordance to school policies in a education. Embracing the belief that education necessary changes. They present insightful views on
conscientious manner, giving constructive opinions educational policies in various professional occasions.
when appropriate. They also have a basic grasp of is a joint enterprise of all stakeholders in the They also participate in education-related professional
current educational policies and respective society, they establish links with the community bodies. Their professionalism, which has become an
implications on their own endeavours. They take pride in pursuing the goal of education. integral part of their character, is highly regarded by
in being members of the teaching profession, pursuing others. They maintain dignity and credibility of the
equity, excellence and collegial harmony. They also profession through their pursuit of excellence, kindling
recognise the mission of the teaching profession people’s interest in education and attracting those with
entrusted by the society, dedicating themselves to the potential to join the profession. With the conviction
nurturing of the young to become responsible citizens. that schools play an important role in the society,
teachers build connections for them to serve each
other for the betterment of Hong Kong.
Committed Role Models of Professionalism